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Access Control

Constraining What the Adversary Can Do


Implementing Access control in a comprehensive, coordinated manner throughout the enterprise enables resilience enhancing practices and techniques to be integrated so that they enhance an enterprise's ability to withstand a persistent attack. This document describes how to apply privilege restriction, coordinated defense, segmentation, and analytic monitoring resiliency techniques.

Applying Privilege Restriction to Keep the Adversary from Leveraging Resources

Privilege Restriction - restricting privileges required to use cyber resources, and privileges assigned to users and cyber entities, based on the type(s) and degree(s) of criticality and trust respectively, can minimize the potential consequences of adversary activities.

Priorities for Immediate Action with Privilege Restriction

Applying Coordinated Defense to Share Situational Awareness and Collaborate

Coordinated Defense - managing multiple, distinct mechanisms adaptively and in a coordinated way - can defend critical resources against adversary activities. This requires coordination across organizations regarding privileges identities and roles - both their consistent use and in the event of a compromise. There are two major implementation approaches to coordinated defense.

Priorities for Immediate Action with Coordinated Defense

The top priorities for Coordinated Defense are:

Applying Segmentation to Limit Adversary Impacts

Segmentation - physical or logical separation or isolation of resources based on trustworthiness and criticality - can limit the spread of destructive malware in an enterprise information infrastructure by limiting the adversary's access. Separation or isolation can be physical or logical, and predefined or dynamic.

Priorities for Immediate Action with Segmentation

The top priorities for segmentation are:

Applying Analytic Monitoring to Detect Adversary Activity

Analytic Monitoring - gathering, fusing, and analyzing data on an ongoing and coordinated way - can maximize the organization's ability to detect potential adverse conditions, reveal the extent of adversary activity, and identify potential or actual damage to access control mechanisms. This is particularly critical with regard to access control mechanisms. For example, this level of analytic monitoring may reveal attempted access to data, or changes in permissions. There are several implementation approaches to analytic monitoring:

Priorities for Immediate Action with Analytic Monitoring

The top priorities for analytic monitoring are:

Technique Interactions

Coordinated Defense and Segmentation provide strong interaction. Defense in depth mechanisms placed at each segment/enclave impose a barrier that adversaries have to overcome. Privilege restriction works in conjunction with Coordinated Defense and Segmentation. The more sensitive information would be stored in the deepest layers and enclaves of the system. To gain access those more sensitive enclaves should require greater privilege and in turn additional authentication. While this concept is inconsistent with the popular concept of single sign-on, it is very consistent with the underlying premise of resiliency - do not simply focus security (including authentication) at the perimeter.

Segmentation in some ways can impede Analytic Monitoring as the same boundaries that keep the adversary out, can block monitoring. To work effectively sensors need to be placed at various key points of the enclaves, and then the information from the various sensors need to be shared and coordinated to ensure a complete organization-wide perspective. Similarly, having IDSs and anti-malware capabilities at the various laptop, desktops and servers supports Coordinated Defense. But to fully support Analytic Monitoring the results of these sensor and tools must be combined to provide an organizational wide perspective.

Preparing for the Future

There are various technological, social and business trends that will have impact on the concept of access control. BYOD, cloud computing, the increased use of portable/mobile devices and Internet of Things all are to various degrees disrupting the traditional concept of security boundaries. All of these concepts erode the concept that an organization owns and controls the systems that process its critical information.

This in turn makes much more difficult for an organization to limit access to critical information and services. That said, in some ways these paradigm shifts lend themselves to some of the resiliency techniques. Separate devices are by default a form of segmentation. But if the devices are not designed with appropriate security protection in mind, then what was segmentation simply becomes ad-hoc placement of services and information, and that in turn is simply extending the attack surface.

Implicit in the concept of Coordinated Defense is the concept of coordination of the protections of the entities in question, and that there are defense mechanisms in place. The concept becomes far harder to enforce if the ownership and controls of the devices and other entities (e.g., appliances) becomes more disparate. With the advent of the Internet of Things the issue becomes even more complex as it becomes a challenge simply identifying the different entities that are remotely accessible and have an impact on the protection of information or services of an organization.

Analytic Monitoring is only as accurate and detailed as the data that feeds it. As organizational boundaries become more permeable data feeds must reflect and adapt to this permeability. This will include ensuring that an individual’s identities can be tied to the specific individual to whom they belong regardless of the organization from which the information is coming.

In order to have effective access control in this brave new world one needs to:

  1. Ensure that the various devices/entities each are designed with appropriate protections (Coordinated Defense); those that are not would either not be allowed access to the organization's infrastructure or only allowed via some encapsulated means that some virtualized thin client (Segmentation) might provide.
  2. Have some means to identify all the devices/entities that have an impact on the security of the organization's mission. Devices not appropriately identified would be denied access. (Analytic Monitoring)

Restrict privileges for each device/entity only to that which they minimally require and to ensure that when devices employ a privilege that they are authorized to employ that privilege and apply it in the manner requested. Connections between devices may in some critical instances only be allowed if there were some trusted path, a bi-directional form of authentication, between the devices. (Privilege Restriction).

See Key Concepts and Terms for definitions

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