Technology & Innovation Roundtable FAQ's

What are the benefits of joining the Roundtable?
Roundtable members are able to have a voice on topics that affect their businesses. By coming together, members are able to exchange information or gain ground truth in areas that may be beneficial to their businesses, such as developing products and systems that are more effective at meeting government needs and being better positioned to compete in acquisitions.

How often does the Roundtable meet? Where do they meet?
The Roundtable meets every month at MITRE's offices in McLean, Virginia. The Roundtable has multiple Working Groups focused on special topics, including acquisition; accreditation; and architecture and design. Working Groups meet throughout the month to advance work and priority efforts. Working Group and Pilot teams may meet weekly with government sponsors that are directly engaged with the Roundtable.

Who attends Roundtable meetings?
Roundtable members regularly attend meetings. Occasionally the group will invite government guests to exchange information, give feedback and guidance, and learn about our work and projects. We might also invite non-member companies to visit.

How big is the Roundtable? Will it get larger?
The Roundtable currently has 45 member organizations. When we formed the Roundtable in November of 2015, membership consisted of about a dozen companies and quickly expanded to sixteen. We expect our membership will continue to grow.

Does the Roundtable have government membership?
The Roundtable is an industry consortium guided by government needs and priorities. While government customers are not members, we welcome them as guests to special meetings.

I am a government representative, and interested in visiting the Roundtable. How do I connect?
Please contact us, so we can learn more about your interests and arrange a visit with the Roundtable.

How long has the group been meeting?
The Roundtable's first official meeting was in November 2015, but the group has been collaborating and working together for quite some time.

Does the Roundtable have any events coming up that I might be able to attend?
Yes, MITRE anticipates our annual Industry Day that features the Roundtable in Fall 2020. The event will be open to all government guests, along with select industry non-members. Additionally, we are hosting an Industry Distinguished Speaker series, and information about events is posted on the MITRE calendar, and the Roundtable website. If you are interested in visiting the Roundtable in the meantime, please contact the Roundtable Director and Chair, Dr. Angela O’Hanlon.

What Do the Roundtable Working Groups Do?
Membership in the Roundtable entitles and authorizes membership the opportunity to participate in Working Groups & Advisory Committees, which is an important part of the consortium, and advancing membership interests. The Roundtable currently has working groups focused on topics including accreditation, acquisition, AI, ontology, data interoperability, etc. The Roundtable’s Working Groups are currently engaged with multiple DOD government organizations. As topics of interest are identified by the Roundtable, working groups are formed to champion and advance agreed-upon Roundtable goals within that area of interest.

Is Government Involved in the Working Groups?
Yes. Industry and government work together to advance mutual priorities and interests; government may provide requirements, guidance, and goals. The Roundtable is engaged and working with multiple government organizations, such as the US Air Force and US Army.

Is Government Involved in the Roundtable Meetings?
Government may visit meetings to share their mission priorities and discuss how industry might effectively work with them.