<> Industry Perspective on Cyber Resiliency | Backup Strategies
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Backup Strategies

Reconstituting Information is Key to Recovery


The design principles for backup strategies enable resilience-enhancing technical processes and integrate them into existing and new infrastructure services to expand resiliency from disaster recovery to cyber resiliency in a cost effective way. This document describes how to apply segmentation, redundancy and substantiated integrity resiliency techniques to an organizations backup strategy. Backup Strategies rely on appropriately implemented access control as well. This topic is addressed in the Access Control Guide.

Applying Segmentation to Limit Adversary Impacts

Segmentation - physical or logical separation or isolation of resources based on trustworthiness and criticality - can limit the spread of destructive malware in an enterprise information infrastructure. Separation or isolation can be physical or logical, and predefined or dynamic. The backup strategy should plan for segmentation of backup data and systems.

Priorities for Immediate Action with Segmentation

The top priorities for segmentation are

Applying Redundancy to Degrade the Adversary's Impact

Redundancy - providing multiple protected instances of critical resources can curtail the time during which the adversary can impact mission functions and degrade the extent of that impact. There are three major implementation approaches to redundancy.

Priorities for Immediate Action with Redundancy

The top priorities for Redundancy are:

Applying Substantiated Integrity to Recover from Adversary Actions

Substantiated Integrity - ascertaining whether critical services, information stores, information streams, and components have been corrupted - can prevent an adversary from delivering a payload, curtail the adversary's impact and enable an enterprise to recover from an attack more effectively. There are three approaches to substantiated integrity:

Priorities for Immediate Action with Substantiated Integrity

Preparing for the Future

The technological trend towards the increased use of portable/mobile devices and the internet-of-things disrupts the traditional concept of security boundaries. While this can provide some redundancy - data might be backed up on a mobile device, it also provides hidden connectivity that may violate the assumptions of a segmented environment.

As deception techniques improve, hiding backup data and services while providing a honeynet that looks like the real backup network, can become an effective means of keeping the adversary unaware of these resources. This can speed recovery as the organization is not fighting to protect both the main systems and data at the same time it is trying to protect the backup resources.

With increasing interface standards, another way to degrade attacks on backup systems and services is to increase diversity. That way an attack works on one type of system or service, it may fail on the other types and therefore leave the enterprise with some backup services. If, in addition, portable or otherwise geographically disparate redundant assets and functionality are maintained, the organization can protect itself from an attack focused at a specific location as well.

See Key Concepts and Terms for definitions

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