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Cyber COOP Execution

Facing Destructive Malware


Executing Cyber COOP operations in the wake of an adversarial attack using destructive malware requires integrating cyber resiliency concepts into the implementation of traditional COOP Execution. This document describes how to incorporate the cyber resiliency concepts of Adaptive Response, Analytic Monitoring, and Substantiated Integrity, for more resilient Cyber COOP response, recovery and reconstitution.

Applying Adaptive Response to Restrain Adversary Impacts

Adaptive Response - implementing cyber courses of actions (CCoA) to respond dynamically to specific situations, using agile and alternative operational contingencies to maintain minimum operational capabilities, limit consequences and avoid destabilization. CCoA involve instituting pre-determined actions to help minimize and manage risks during Cyber COOP Execution. Adaptive Response optimizes an organization's capability to respond in a timely and appropriate manner to changing adversary activities, thus maximizing its capability to maintain the integrity and availability of core services. There are three approaches to applying Adaptive Response, and all three are relevant to Cyber COOP Execution. Those three approaches are:

Priorities for Immediate Action with Adaptive Response

Applying Analytic Monitoring to Detect and Preserve Adversary Actions

Analytic Monitoring - continuously gathering and analyzing data on an ongoing basis and in a coordinated way to identify potential vulnerabilities, adversary activities and damage is implemented through several approaches, Monitoring and Damage Assessment (MD&A), Sensor Fusion and Analysis (SF&A), and Malware and Forensic Analysis (M&FA). Two Analytic Monitoring approaches, MD&A and M&FA, correlate with the execution of Cyber COOP activities.

Priorities for Immediate Action with Analytic Monitoring

Applying Substantiated Integrity to Impede Adversarial Propagation

Substantiated Integrity - ascertaining whether critical services, information stores, information streams, and components have been corrupted - can help ensure the effectiveness of overall Cyber COOP operations and reduce the time, scope and resources needed to execute effective recovery operations. There are three approaches to Substantiated Integrity:

Priorities for Immediate Action with Substantiated Integrity

Preparing for the Future

The new frontier of complex interconnectedness of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the ever-evolving metastasizing of malware and other cyber threat actors are challenges to effective Cyber COOP Execution, but challenges that are an opportunity to make Cyber COOP TTPs stronger and more effective.

Cyber COOP must be melded with traditional COOP methodologies to forge a muscled, turnkey approach for not only executing successful and effective Cyber COOP operations, but also helping to preserve traceability for forensic operations. Cyber COOP must continue to explore and expand integrating technologies such as automated, on-the-fly alert and notification software, and integrated planning software that promotes both the planning and the execution of Cyber COOP tasks. A taxonomy of risks, threats, threat indicators, potential failure modes, attack scenarios, and Cyber COOP heuristics should be developed and updated continually. Managed-service providers should be considered to provide virtualized recovery operations, isolation, and dependency mapping and recovery, especially for critical components and systems. Cyber COOP Execution must support the mission of sustaining the business operations, and must be focused on supporting them, whether the business involves the defense of a nation or keeping life support systems operational during a power outage. Cyber COOP personnel must receive updated training on their roles and responsibilities as the threat environment changes or new technology is introduced. And lastly, Cyber COOPs must be kept up-to-date and tested periodically.

See Key Concepts and Terms for definitions

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