Demonstration and poster descriptions will be included in the Springer proceedings.
ProvenanceWeek encourages the presentation of early work as posters. Proposals for posters should be limited to a 4 page description of the poster content formatted using the LNCS guidelines. Authors must submit a preliminary version of the poster as a supplementary file. Accepted posters will be presented during a separate session at ProvenanceWeek. Poster description should be:
- no longer than 4 pages
- formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines and technical instructions
- submitted as PDF files to to the poster track
- authors must also submit a preliminary version of the poster as a supplementary file
Demonstration descriptions should be no more 4 pages long formatted using the LNCS guidelines. The proposal must describe the demonstrated system, clearly indicate what is going to be demonstrated, and state the significance of the research contribution, technologies, and/or applications. To summarize, demo papers must be:
- not published or under review elsewhere
- no longer than 4 pages
- formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines and technical instructions
- submitted as PDF files to to the demo track
- optionally authors may also upload a video showcasing the demonstrated system