Risk Management Toolkit

Support Assets


Systems Engineers

Risk Management home

Process Assets
Standard Process
  • Definitions
  • Steps of Process
  • Tailoring Guidelines


  • Self Assessment
  • Compliance Process
  • CMMI Risk Management Goals
  • Risk Review


  • AF Policy Directive 90-9: Operational Risk Management, 1 April 2000
  • AFI 90-901: Operational Risk Management, 1 April 2000
  • AFMC Instruction 90-902: Operational Risk Management, 1 Sept 01

    Support Assets

  • Affinity Diagrams
  • Brainstorming
  • Risk Plotting
  • Risk Statements


  • Individual
  • Consolidated
  • Risk Areas

  • Tools & Techniques

  • RiskNav
  • Risk Matrix
  • Risk Radar


  • Risk Process Orientation
  • Detailed Risk Process
  • Facilitator Training


  • Sample Risk Management Plan
  • Process Lessons Learned


    Package Development:
    Commerical Off-the-Shelf (COTS)

    Commercial items that require no unique government modifications or maintenance to meet the needs of the procuring agency.

    Read about COTS' risks.

    The risk that a program will not meet its acquisition strategy cost objectives established by the acquisition authority.

    Read about Cost's risks.

    Environmental Aspects
    The context in which the program or enterprise operates, the boundaries that constrain it, and any externalities that may influence it.

    Read about Environmental Aspects' risks.

    The process of monetary control being exercised over the effort.

    Read about Financial/Funding's risks.

    Health Hazards
    The design features and operating characteristics of a system that create significant risks of bodily injury or death.

    Read about Health Hazards' risks.

    Human Factors
    The systematic application of relevant information about human abilities, characteristics, behavior, motivation, and performance.

    Read about Human Factors' risks.

    The number of military and civilian personnel required and potentially available to operate, maintain, sustain, and provide training for systems.

    Read about Manpower's risks.

    Pertains to the cost, schedule, and performance characteristics of an acquisition program.

    Read about Programmatic's risks.

    How well a mission requirement can be supported or the validity of a mission-related capability against a threat.

    Read about Requirements' risks.

    The characteristics of a system that minimize the potential for human or machine errors/failures that cause injurous accidents.

    Read about Safety's risks.

    The ability to develop a realistic series of things to be done in sequence of events within given period (timeframe) that fully considers resource usage and availability.

    Read about Schedule's risks.

    Computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentation and data, pertaining to the operation of a computer system.

    Read about Software's risks.

    The design characteristics of a system and planned logistic resources that allow for the meeting of system availability and wartime utilization requirements.

    Read about Support's risks.

    The capability of a system and its crew to avoid or withstand a man-made hostile environment without suffering an abortive impairment of its ability to accomplish its designed mission.

    Read about Survivability's risks.

    Systems Engineering
    A process that includes translating requirements, integrating team inputs, managing interfaces and technical risk, transitioning technology, and verifying that designs meet operational needs.

    Read about Systems Engineering's risks.

    Process by which a system or components are exercised and results analyzed to provide performance-related information.

    Read about Testing's risks.

    The instruction/education, on-the-job or unit training required to provide personnel with essential job skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes.

    Read about Training's risks.

    Go to another Systems Engineers phase:

    or go to Consolidated Risks' list.

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